CXC Study Guide: Caribbean History for CSEC

CXC Study Guide: Caribbean History for CSEC

Editorial: Oxford Education

ISBN Digital: 9780198424185

USD 11,69
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  • Front Cover
  • Contents
  • Section A, Theme 1: The indigenous peoples and the Europeans
  • Section A, Theme 2: Caribbean economy and slavery
  • Section A, Theme 3: Resistance and revolt
  • Section B, Theme 4: Metropolitan movements towards emancipation
  • Section B, Theme 5: Adjustments to emancipation (1838–76)
  • Section B, Theme 6: Caribbean economy (1875–1985)
  • Section B Practice exam questions
  • Section C, Theme 7: The United States in the Caribbean (1776–1985)
  • Section C, Theme 8: Caribbean political development up to 1985
  • Section C, Theme 9: Caribbean Society (1900–85)
  • Section C Practice exam questions
  • Glossary of key terms
  • Index
  • Back Cover