Internal Assessment for Psychology for the IB Diploma

Internal Assessment for Psychology for the IB Diploma

Editorial: Hodder

ISBN Digital: 9781510450417

USD 19,24
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  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Section 1 IB Psychology and the internal assessment
  • Section 1 - Chapter 1 What is the internal assessment?
  • Section 1 - Chapter 2 The assessment of the experimental study
  • Section 2 Experimental skills and abilities
  • Section 2 - Chapter 3 Research methods
  • Section 2 - Chapter 4 Mini-practicals
  • Section 2 - Chapter 5 Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis
  • Section 3 Carrying out the internal assessment
  • Section 3 - Chapter 6 Planning your experimental study
  • Section 3 - Chapter 7 Conducting the study
  • Section 3 - Chapter 8 Writing the research report
  • ‘Tick-list’ for conducting an experimental study
  • Template for mini-practicals
  • References
  • Index