Videogames for Teachers - UV (Blink)

Videogames for Teachers - UV (Blink)

Editorial: McGraw Hill

ISBN Digital: 9788448618308

USD 22,28
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  • Preliminaries
  • Chapter 1. Video games. A way to change communication languages
  • Chapter 2. Interactive environments for involvement and motivation for learning
  • Chapter 3. How do players learn to learn while playing
  • Chapter 4. Reviewing solutions for augmented and virtual reality
  • Chapter 5. The role of video games in education
  • Chapter 6. Educational video games. An overview
  • Chapter 7. Video games as educational tools
  • Chapter 8. Main achievements of mobile learning through the use of educational applications
  • Chapter 9. Gamification and self_directed learning. The use of mobile applications in education and lifelong learning
  • Chapter 10. Social media and education. Main challenges, strengths and weaknesses of mobile apps in education
  • Chapter 11. Video games, apps and education in the field of pre-primary and primary education
  • Chapter 12. Assessment in video games and educational apps-based learning in upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education
  • Chapter 13. Assessment in video games and educational apps-based learning in tertiary education
  • Chapter 14. From video games to work. Interactive languages and three-dimensional environments as reference models in tomorrow's professions