Access to History: Britain 1783-1885

Access to History: Britain 1783-1885

Publisher: Hodder

Digital ISBN: 9781510458970

USD 22.35
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  • Cover & Book Title
  • Contents
  • CHAPTER 1 Context
  • CHAPTER 2 Pitt’s Britain and the abolition of the slave trade 1783–1807
  • CHAPTER 3 Government and a changing society 1812–32
  • CHAPTER 4 Foreign policy 1783–1830
  • CHAPTER 5 The industrialisation of Britain 1783–1832
  • CHAPTER 6 Government and democracy 1832–68
  • CHAPTER 7 Gladstone and Disraeli’s rival ministries 1868–85
  • CHAPTER 8 Industrialisation and the economy 1832–85
  • CHAPTER 9 Dealing with the poor_ social developments 1832–85
  • CHAPTER 10 Changes to the workplace 1832–85
  • Exam focus_ AQA
  • Exam focus_ OCR
  • Exam focus_ Pearson Edexcel
  • Timeline
  • Glossary of terms
  • Further reading
  • Index