Access to History: The Middle East 1908-2011

Access to History: The Middle East 1908-2011

Publisher: Hodder

Digital ISBN: 9781471838439

USD 22.35
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  • Cover & Book Title
  • Contents
  • CHAPTER 1 The Great Powers in the Middle East 1900–39
  • CHAPTER 2 The final years of the British mandate in Palestine 1945–8
  • CHAPTER 3 The first Arab–Israeli War 1948–9
  • CHAPTER 4 The Suez Crisis of 1956
  • CHAPTER 5 The Six-day War of 1967
  • CHAPTER 6 War, oil and peacemaking 1967–79
  • CHAPTER 7 Nasser, Egypt and Arab nationalism
  • CHAPTER 8 The PLO, Lebanon and the first Intifada
  • CHAPTER 9 The USA, the Soviet Union and the UN in the Arab–Israeli conflict
  • CHAPTER 10 The challenge of Israeli–Palestinian peacemaking 1990–2011
  • CHAPTER 11 Turkey, Iraq, Iran and the West 1908–2011
  • CHAPTER 12 From Arab nationalism to Islamic fundamentalism
  • CHAPTER 13 Conclusion
  • Study guide
  • Timeline
  • Glossary of terms
  • Further reading
  • Index