How to Create Great Lessons

How to Create Great Lessons

Publisher: Oxford Education

Digital ISBN: 9780198417941

USD 13.05
No tax

  • Front Cover and title
  • Contents and browsing menu
  • Preface and how to use this book
  • 1 Back-to-back pairs
  • 2 Bad answer
  • 3 Bingo
  • 4 Board games
  • 5 Call my bluff_ a game of definitions
  • 6 Carousel
  • 7 Class debate
  • 8 Classification
  • 98 Write home
  • 99 You choose
  • You’re hired
  • Back Cover
  • 9 Concept maps
  • 10 Continuum
  • 11 Cue card film
  • 12 Decision-making exercise
  • 13 Design a test
  • 14 Dominoes
  • 15 Draw a picture
  • 16 Empathy
  • 17 Exemplar answers
  • 18 Find someone who…
  • 19 Give me 5 (6,7,8,…)
  • 20 Glossary page
  • 21 Guess the key term
  • 22 Guess what
  • 23 Hot-seating
  • 24 Information treasure hunt
  • 25 Inquest report
  • 26 Intelligent graffiti
  • 27 Intelligent guesswork
  • 28 Jigsaws
  • 29 Kung Fu
  • 30 Label the diagram
  • 31 Layers of inference
  • 32 Leaflets
  • 33 Living graphs
  • 34 Living photographs
  • 35 Make a display
  • 36 Make a TV show
  • 37 Make your own…
  • 38 Map it
  • 39 Memory game
  • 40 Mental maps
  • 41 Mind movies
  • 42 Model making
  • 43 Most likely
  • 44 News articles
  • 45 Note-taking frames
  • 46 Number sentences
  • 47 Numbered questions
  • 48 Odd one out
  • 49 Only half of it
  • 50 On-site fieldwork
  • 51 Pass the buck
  • 52 Picture essay
  • 53 Picture it
  • 54 Picture storyboards
  • 55 Picture to word
  • 56 Pin it
  • 57 Poem of my learning
  • 58 Press conference
  • 59 Question… answer
  • 60 Race to the keyword
  • 61 Ranking
  • 62 Reading race
  • 63 Remember
  • 64 Respond to marking
  • 65 Review pyramid
  • 66 Role play
  • 67 Roll the dice
  • 68 Round robin
  • 69 Sequence it
  • 70 Silent video
  • 71 Snap
  • 72 Snowballs
  • 73 Social media profile
  • 74 Solve the mystery
  • 75 Speed dating
  • 76 Splat
  • 77 Spot the differences
  • 78 Stand up, sit down
  • 79 Stop-frame animation
  • 80 Students become the teacher
  • 81 SWOT analysis
  • 82 Topic summary
  • 83 Trading questions
  • 84 Triads
  • 85 Trump cards
  • 86 Trump cards
  • 87 User guide
  • 88 Verbal tennis
  • 89 Video competition
  • 90 Webquest
  • 91 What am I_
  • 92 What is it_
  • 93 What would you like to ask me_
  • 94 What would you like to know_
  • 95 Word hexagons
  • 96 Wordscape
  • 97 Would you rather_