Advanced Physics For You

Advanced Physics For You

Publisher: Oxford Education

Digital ISBN: 9780198355991

USD 35.99
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  • Front Cover & Title page
  • Contents
  • 1 Basic Ideas
  • 2 Looking at Forces
  • 3 Turning Effects of Forces
  • 4 Describing Motion
  • 5 Newton’s Laws and Momentum
  • 6 Work, Energy and Power
  • 7 Circular Motion
  • 8 Gravitational Forces and Fields
  • 9 Simple Harmonic Motion
  • 10 Wave Motion
  • 11 Reflection and Refraction
  • 12 Interference and Diffraction
  • 13 Materials
  • 14 Thermodynamics
  • 15 Gases and Kinetic Theory
  • 16 Current and Charge
  • 17 Electric Circuits
  • 18 Magnetic Fields
  • 19 Electromagnetic Induction
  • 20 Alternating Current
  • 21 Electric Fields
  • 22 Capacitors
  • 23 Electrons and Photons
  • 24 Spectra and Energy Levels
  • 25 Radioactivity
  • 26 Nuclear Energy
  • 27 Particle Physics
  • 28 Special Relativity
  • 29 Astrophysics
  • 30 Medical Imaging Techniques
  • Study Skills
  • Check Your Maths
  • Hints and Answers
  • Index
  • Back Cover