KS3 History: Renaissance, Revolution and Reformation: Britain 1509-1745

KS3 History: Renaissance, Revolution and Reformation: Britain 1509-1745

Publisher: Oxford Education

Digital ISBN: 9780198352747

USD 13.49
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  • Cover
  • Contents
  • Introducing KS3 History
  • Chapter 1_ Here come the Tudors
  • Chapter 2_ A world of discovery
  • Chapter 3_ Life in Tudor times
  • Chapter 4_ Britain abroad
  • Chapter 5_ Queen Elizabeth
  • Chapter 6_ Exit the Tudors, enter the Stuarts
  • Chapter 7_ England at war
  • Chapter 8_ Cromwell’s Commonwealth
  • Chapter 9_ The Restoration
  • Chapter 10_ Who rules_
  • Chapter 11_ How did Britain change_
  • Glossary
  • Index
  • Acknowledgements
  • Back Cover