BL PDF. Operations Management for Executives

BL PDF. Operations Management for Executives

Publisher: McGraw Hill

Digital ISBN: 9788448611088

USD 30.34
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  • Preliminary
  • Unit 1. Introduction to operations management
  • Unit 2. Fundamental concepts of operations management
  • Unit 3. Capacity management in operations systems
  • Unit 4. Flow, time and queue management
  • Unit 5. Inventory management
  • Unit 6. Operations planning and control
  • Unit 7. Project management
  • Unit 8. Human and organizational factors in operations management
  • Unit 9. Strategic design of processes
  • Unit 10. Strategic capacity design
  • Unit 11. Supply chain management
  • Unit 12. Procurement and outsourcing
  • Unit 13. Service management and customer value
  • Unit 14. Quality, lean management and continous improvement
  • Unit 15. Innovate your operations
  • Index